Mrs Sydney’s famous World’s Smallest Library

I have always adored reading and sharing books, firstly with my own children and then with those I taught. The ‘World’s Smallest Library’ was something I started to try to share my love of reading and the books I enjoyed with more people: mostly children but also other adults. Although I read many books at home, there were only so many I could read aloud to my classes so the library provided a home to those which might otherwise just sit and gather dust. Originally, as I reviewed the books I read, I added them to the library and shared these high quality books with those who might also enjoy them – both children and staff. Having had to put the brakes on my teaching career to focus on my wellbeing and health, I am now passing on the books I read to school-based friends as well as my local public library and primary and high schools.

A rainbow of books to explore…

Why children’s books?

I’ve always preferred a well-written children’s book to a poorly-written adults’ one. There are many who believe we are in a ‘golden age’ of children’s literature and while I enjoy reading, I also delight in talking about books with like-minded people.

There is no specific order to the books I write about here, other than adding my thoughts as I complete them. Sometimes the book is one that is newly published and a ‘hot topic’, while on other occasions the book is one new to me but nobody else.

Having stuck to fiction books aimed at upper KS2 when I started blogging because I was teaching Year 5, and then titles for lower KS2 while teaching Year 3, I have now started reading more graphic novels, nonfiction and books aimed at all ages to further my own reading experience. My New Year’s resolution last year was to read more Young Adult titles and I am loving those too.

Delighted to meet author Lucy Strange at the recent launch of her brilliant middle grade, The Island at the Edge of Night.

Currently reading:

The Beast of Farrowfell (The Thief of Farrowfell 2) by Ravena Guron, illustrated by Allesia Trunfio
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For more of my book-related musings, follow me on Twitter: @jacquiS21

All opinions are my own.

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